Decision Making During Childbirth

No matter how much you prepare for childbirth, you are going to likely be faced with making decisions as your labor progresses. You may be offered position changes, pain relief or other interventions. In the throws of labor, how will you know how to make the right decision?

The truth is, most decisions that you are faced with during labor are NOT emergent. You typically have time to make a decision that you feel comfortable and confident in.

The first thing to consider when thinking about making choices during your birth is the type of decision maker you are. Some people NEED to know all of the facts. The good, the bad, and everything in-between. We recommend using your BRAIN when offered a choice;

Benefits: what are the benefits of this suggestion for myself and my baby?

Risks: what are the risks of this suggestion for myself and my baby?

Alternatives: are there alternatives to this suggestion?

Intuition: what is my intuition telling me?

Nothing: what if we do nothing?

Check out our FREE guide to using your BRAIN during childbirth by clicking here!

Some people will always lean toward whatever their provider suggests. This is great too. Your provider is a knowledgable, experienced person who will typically suggest things that are in your best interest.

AND, some people simply like to go with their gut. They don’t need to know all the pros and cons and facts about what they are being faced with. Also great!

Think about what type of decision maker you are in your typical day. It’s good to have this information about yourself so you know what you need when you need to make a choice, especially in a high-stakes situation such as labor!

What time of decision maker are you? Let us know in the comments!


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