Treating engorgement and clogged ducts

Have you ever been engorged or suffered the pain of a clogged duct? Are you planning to feed your baby breastmilk and want to be as informed and prepared as possible? If yes, this post is for you!

Both clogged ducts and engorgement are very common in lactating parents, and the age-old advice of hot compresses and deep tissue massage has been replaced with new guidelines that are much more successful at resolving these discomforts. 

The tenderness and pain that accompanies both engorged breasts and clogged ducts comes from an increase in lymphatic fluid (and inflammation). In both cases, this lymphatic fluid puts pressure on the very thin milk ducts - think spider webs. This pressure restricts the flow of milk through the ducts, causing the problem to compound. 

This is where the first part of the new recommendation comes in - Lymphatic Massage

This massage technique is a very gentle way to move that lymphatic fluid out of the breast. To perform lymphatic massage, think about petting a cat. With your hand flat, stroke the breast starting from the center (near the nipple), and move outwards, away from the nipple towards the chest, neck, armpit, and lower torso. This massage is simple and easy to perform on yourself, and for best results should be done while in a laying down or reclined position to help facilitate the movement of lymphatic fluid out of the breast.

(If you are having a hard time visualizing this technique, we have a video on our instagram page @empowered.birthingvt)

The second part of the new recommendation? ICE!

Applying ice/cold to the breast restricts the flow of lymphatic fluid to the area, decreasing the pressure on the milk ducts, and allowing the milk to drain from the breast more easily. This should be done in between feeds/pumping, following lymphatic massage. If warmth helps with your let down reflex, go ahead and apply a warm compress immediately before a feed, but other than that, choose ice over heat. My favorite way to apply cold to the breast is to get a few washcloths wet, wring most of the water out, and throw them it in the freezer, and return when done. Then you’ll always have one ready to go.

Have you ever experienced engorgement or a clogged duct? Will you try this next time? Share your experiences in the comments!


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