
We are looking forward to hearing from you and learning how we can help you prepare for the birth you want. Here’s a little bit about us.

Katie Baker, CBE

Hi! I’m Katie (she/her). I grew up in Ohio, but after college I got a job as a summer camp counselor in Vermont. Camp introduced me to two of my favorite things: my husband, David, and my favorite state, which I now call home. After bopping around the east coast a bit, we finally planted our roots in the Northeast Kingdom a couple years ago and never looked back! I enjoy exploring our state, but I’m also a major homebody. I love getting up early and a good cup of coffee.

I have three beautiful children, who are my whole heart. Their birthdays were each special in their own way, but three of the most exhilarating days of my life. I am passionate about pregnancy, labor and birth and believe that every person on this journey should have the right to an informed and empowering experience, however that looks for them.

Additionally, as a postpartum doula, I can help you ease into your transition into parenthood (whether it is your first time or fifth) by coming to your home and providing support around infant feeding, sleep, housework, postpartum health and more so that you can take the time and space you need to navigate your new journey.

Diantha Jones, CD(DONA), CBS, CBE

Hi! My name is Diantha (she/her). I am a birth doula, certified breastfeeding specialist, and a childbirth educator. I grew up here in St. Johnsbury and ended up returning with my husband Mitchell and our daughter Lily when she was a year old. We own and run a small diversified farm specializing in our flock of Icelandic sheep. Mitchell also teaches full time and I split my time between the farm and providing doula and lactation services. In addition to birth work, I enjoy being in the woods, working in the gardens, tanning sheepskins, and fiber arts. In an ideal world, when I am not supporting new families, I would spend every summer day outside, and every winter one in front of the wood stove and my spinning wheel.

My passion for all things pregnancy, labor, and birth began when I gave birth to Lily six years ago and was fueled even more after the birth of our son Connor. I love (nearly) all aspects of farming, but my favorite by far is lambing season. For a few years, it fulfilled my need and passion to be connected to, and a part of, bringing new life into the world. Watching and helping our sheep calmly and quietly labor and deliver their lambs year after year affirmed my belief that labor and delivery is the most natural thing we do, and with the right support can be a beautiful, calm, and peaceful experience.

I cannot wait to hear from you and support you in one of the most incredible things you will ever do - birth your beautiful baby.