
Read what both our clients and their partners have to say about their experiences working with us.

Client Testimonials


As a first time mom, I was simultaneously nervous and excited for labor and delivery, and I had no idea where to start in terms of preparation. The best decision I made was teaming up with Diantha at Empowered Birthing. Having a doula allowed my partner and I to focus entirely on the experience of pregnancy and birth, which is the most beautiful gift I could have ever been given. During pregnancy, Diantha prepared me and my partner extensively about our options during labor and delivery and helped write our birth plan. I felt incredibly prepared when I went into labor and Diantha texted me all night while I labored at home. Despite having an ideal plan, we had to quickly readjust that plan once I got to the hospital. As someone who likes to plan things out — and stick to that plan — the unknowns of labor and delivery scared me. Diantha created a calm, knowledgable environment that made both myself and my partner feel listened to and safe. She taught my partner how to use counter pressure and the three of us were able to help me stay comfortable throughout the 36 hours of labor. Although my birth plan changed, Diantha advocated for me and made sure I understood all of my options before making any decisions. Diantha was able to both be present whenever needed, while also allowing my partner and I to enjoy the process of bringing our daughter into the world privately and intimately. She stayed by our side the entire labor and delivery and I can’t thank her enough for being the best doula I could ask for.


We couldn’t have asked for a better birth experience! Diantha’s calm and supportive energy was very much appreciated by both me and my husband. She worked very cohesively with the rest of the birth team and was there for us every step of the way before, during, and after the delivery!

-Anna D.

It was very comforting to know Katie was on call for my needs as I came closer to my due date, and both Katie and Diantha have been superbly available and accommodating during the postpartum period. I'm grateful for their expertise and would absolutely hire them again during my next pregnancy.

-Kara B.

Thank you for your very critical, compassionate, and dedicated support during (and prior to!) our baby’s birth. We both genuinely appreciated your calm and caring advocacy for our wishes and best health based on the plan we created together. We are feeling so blessed to have had you both on our team!


Going into my second birth I knew I wanted a different experience this time. I knew I could have a birth process where I felt in control and connected the entire time, I just had to find out how. My sister pushed me to look into hiring a doula, and I ended up hiring Empowered Birthing VT as my Doula service. Through Diantha I learned about Hypnobirthing. Throughout the pregnancy I practiced affirmations, breathing, meditation, and other relaxation techniques to use during labor. I also learned to view birth in a different way. And these methods really worked! I was able to have a calm and empowered labor at home (most of it alone with [my daughter]) and zero medical interventions once we got to the hospital for him to be delivered. Diantha actually said while at the hospital someone who walked in could have thought I was asleep- that’s how deep into the breathing and visualizations I was- right up until I felt it was time for him to make his appearance! I felt 100% in control the entire time and was 100% aware and energized to connect with my baby after he was born. I just want any woman to know that you do have options for whatever type of birth you want!


The most helpful thing my doula did throughout pregnancy and birth was listen to my needs and work with my partner to make sure he was supported and knew how to support me. She was very attuned with my pregnancy. (In the postpartum period) my doula checked in on me and let me know she was there, but gave my family and I space to settle the first few days.


I just want to say, Empowered Birthing is amazing! Diantha was an incredible doula and helped me with my VBAC in January. It was such a healing experience after the trauma of my first birth, and I’m so thankful that I chose to work with them.

- Alejandra T.

Partner Testimonials


I appreciated having a doula and felt that her presence helped me support my partner more fully. In addition to supporting her, she was able to support me in my role as birthing partner.

-Luke A.

My wife and I did everything we could to prepare for our first child, but the best decision we made was working with Diantha from Empowered Birthing. Diantha provided a service that I highly recommend for anyone having a child, first or tenth! This past year I thought that I was prepared by reading books and my wife explaining to me how I could help and what I could do, but when the moment of labor came, I forgot a lot of our preparation. Diantha was extremely knowledgeable and gave me specific things that I could do to help Kathryn. Any time that Kathryn or I had a question she answered without hesitation or judgement. You can easily get thrown off your birth plan, but with Diantha there she kept us on track. Anytime the doctors wanted to try something that I wasn’t sure of, we had a resource that knew what was best and helped guide us in the decision making process. Even though Diantha was in the room with us and her presence was felt the whole time, she did a great job of letting us have the moment with each other. I can truly say that if we didn’t have Diantha, our birthing plan would have been thrown out the window in the first couple hours and the birthing process would not have gone as well as it did.
